
RedLine Stealer Spreading from Illegitimate Windows 11 Upgrade

  |  Source: 
HP - ThreatResearch
Information & Technology

RedLine Stealer spreading from illegitimate Windows 11 Upgrade

Threat Research from HP has identified the distribution of information-stealing malware, RedLine Stealer posing as an installer to Microsoft's latest Windows 11 OS version. The threat campaign is recent, as one of the malicious domain windows-upgraded[.]com was registered on January 27th, 2022. The fraudulent Microsoft page drops a malicious zip file, "Windows11InstallationAssistant.zip" for users to click the download link. The zip file is hosted on Discord containing "six Windows DLLs, an XML file and a portable executable." Upon execution of the malicious executable file, an encoded PowerShell command runs with a download of a jpg file following a 21-second timeout. The jpg file is actually a disguised DLL file. Once the DLL is loaded, the RedLine Stealer payload is active and able to proceed with data collection and exfiltration as desired by the attacker.


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