Samsung Electronics Data Leak
Samsung Electronics Data Leak
Threat group, Lapsus$ has struck another technology giant, Samsung Electronics. The group has collected roughly 190GB of data from Samsung and has made the data available for download by torrenting. As shared by BleepingComputer, the data is split into three parts, "Part 1 contains a dump of source code and related data about security/Defense/Knox/Bootloader/TrustedApps and various other items. Part 2 contains a dump of source code and related data about device security and encryption. Part 3 contains various repositories from Samsung Github: mobile defense engineering, Samsung account backend, Samsung pass backend/frontend, and SES (Bixby, Smartthings, store)." The story is developing, with no statement from Samsung on the incident or if a ransom was demanded. The data compromise comes following data leaks Lapsus$ had of Nvidia.