
UK Cyber Agency Warns of the Rise of 'Ideologically' Motivated Russian Cyber Threat

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UK Cyber Agency Warns of the Rise of 'Ideologically' Motivated Russian Cyber Threat

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released an alert warning of new threat groups emerging motivated by sympathy's towards Russia's invasion and driven by ideology rather than financial gain. NCSC determined "these groups can align to Russia’s perceived interests, they are often not subject to formal state control, and so their actions are less constrained and their targeting broader than traditional cyber crime actors. This makes them less predictable." Attacks observed from this group have been associated with disruptive hacktivist style activity in the form of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, web defacements, and the dissemination of misinformation. Although NCSC warns the group has indicated a desire to execute attacks with "more disruptive and destructive impact against western critical national infrastructure (CNI), including in the UK."

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